Saturday, September 4, 2010

Roller coasters

Standing in the long, weaving line, excitement and anticipation building as I inch closer and closer to the front of the line. The line seems to snake around forever. Finally, I am at the front of the line. My heart races with excitement as I climb into the car. The safety bar drops down with a clunk. My heart is beating out of my chest as we inch slowly up, up, up the steep ramp; the car stops for just a brief moment at the top, I can see  what looks like the whole world in front of me, and then suddenly plunges down. My heart drops into my stomach. A giddy, nervous laugh escapes from my mouth as I am thrown one way, then another as the car continues up and down and around and over and under. Then all too soon it's over. I can hardly wait for the ride to begin again!!

I have always been a 'glass is half full' kind of gal. Almost annoyingly perky my father in law would say. (a definite perk to being perky!). Even during high school when all the normal teenage angst was going on, I was fairly content. My parents were great about instilling a very high since of self esteem in me. I never went through the "I hate myself" stage. A book called "How to be your own best friend" was hugely popular then. You were supposed to look in the mirror and say "I like me; I think I am great". I remember thinking that was the biggest bunch of crock. I was wonderful; of course I liked myself! What wasn't to like?? Sure life had it's ups and downs, but there was always a bright side.

Somewhere along the way, I lost my perk; my glass was half empty. Somehow, roller coasters became a metaphor for what was wrong in my life. Worry and panic filled me as I stood in line waiting for my turn. The anticipation of waiting for the car to drop caused anxiety not exhilaration. The ups and downs were no longer thrilling but scary and exhausting.The giddy, excited laughter stopped.  Instead of the ride being over too quickly, it seemed to be never ending. All I saw was a dark tunnel ahead.

But, I was reminded that God is the bright side. He wants us to trust in him; lean on him when we are scared. We are never alone on an endless ride to nowhere. He is with us on all the ups and downs, twists and turns. So I have reclaimed the roller coaster, and the joy and excitement it once gave me. I am once again at the top looking out at the whole world with great anticipation. I can hardly wait to for the ride to begin again!!!

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  

Philippians 4-7 NIV

Dear God, Thank you for riding the roller coaster with me. Amen.

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